Sunday, August 26, 2012

It Takes Like America

So China likes its meat...chicken feet, duck head, pork fat, but they have nothing on All-American beef.

Dear Red Meat, how I love your artery clogging goodness.
the trifecta of taste

After weeks of Pizza Hut and KFC being the closest to American food,  I found a Burger King on my weekly trip to Suzhou. Now Burger King is my last choice for burgers at home (I'm a Burgerville and Wendy's fan) but when you have no other choice it becomes the greatest thing you have ever tasted. I was not the only one who felt that way since there were more white people in BK then I have ever seen at one place (excluding church and tour groups). So far BK is the most authentic western restaurant, no weird chinese-ized spices or toppings. They suck with the good stuff. It was tasted how things should taste; cheesy, greasy and covered in bacon. That's how America taste.


  1. I'm loving this blog!!!! I was unable to see it until now because of some software somethin' or other.

    But now I'm on :o)
